Kundalini Yoga


Become in the healthiest, most vibrant, happiest and unlimited version of yourself.


My journey with Kundalini yoga started in 2016 when I attended a wonderful evening class with Jai Kartar Kaur in an art gallery in Edinburgh. It was the first time in my life I had experienced a true connection with my higher-self. Hard work on the mat was then rewarded with increased resilience to face the challenges that life can throw at us.

Kundalini yoga helps you attain a peaceful mind, breath-awareness and strong body. By attending regular Kundalini classes and events, this practise has been helping me on a daily basis. One year after my first encounter with Kundalini, I embarked on a 220-hour teacher training with Jai Kartar Kaur and graduated with The Kundalini Research Institute in 2018.


Kundalini yoga combines powerful, transformative sets of physical movement, breathwork and meditation with mudras (hand postures) and mantras to tap into the energy centres of the body. By opening energy channels and shifting stagnant energies, we are stimulating and gaining awareness of the life-force energy moving, manifesting, healing and integrating all our experiences. This practise helps awaken Kundalini, or Shakti, energy which is the spiritual and creative life-force energy with its source in the base of the spine.

These days the Kundalini modality is a synthesis of various traditions to stimulate meridians, activate the navel and spine, and to prepare the body and nervous system to handle rising life-force energy. It manifests in you becoming in the healthiest, most vibrant, happiest and unlimited version of yourself.


Join me for a class!


Currently I only offer one to one classes on demand. More regular group classes will resume in autumn.