
The foundation of good health.


‘’No matter what we eat, how much we exercise, how resilient our genes are, how skinny or young or wise we are—none of it will matter unless we’re breathing correctly. That’s what these researchers discovered. The missing pillar in health is breath. It all starts there.” James Nestor


Breath is the foundation of good health—mentally, physically and emotionally. It has been known for centuries that when we master our breath, we are in control of the nervous system and its regulatory processes, and we can control body temperature, improve digestion and sleep, reduce inflammation, increase immunity and more.

By practicing breathing techniques, or Pranayama as yogis call it, we learn how to control our life-force energy to get closer to absolute equilibrium. More than just life-force energy, Prana is our original creative power, the master form of energy working at every level of our being. It regulates every bodily function, including cellular growth and healing. I encountered Pranayama practices in yoga many years ago and have used the power of my breath during difficult times in every area of life. 

For the past three years, I’ve been practicing the Dr Buteyko method. He intimates that breathing incorrectly directly contributes to conditions such as asthma, allergies, chronic sinus problems, sleep apnea and other complications of hyperventilation. In my experience of working with people suffering from chronic anxiety and panic attacks, I firmly believe this to be true.

I’m also an Oxygen Advantage practitioner—a very carefully designed programme of simple exercises that helps to retrain your breathing. Emphasis is placed on the biomechanics of breathing, biochemical functions and respiratory rate.

Through studying and practicing modalities such as Holotropic Breathwork and Transformational Breathing, I dived deeper into understanding how powerful the breath can be when addressing trauma.

I combine all my learnings into deep breathwork journeys using the principles of continuous, connective breathing techniques combined with Kundalini yoga, music and movement.


How I can help you with breathwork.


I offer one-to-one breathwork tailored to your individual needs, as well as group work. In the past I’ve designed a variety of breath-related workshops and I teach regular classes to improve lung capacity.

If you live in Edinburgh and are interested in in-person classes, please get in touch as I also facilitate those. For more information email me directly or sign up for the newsletter.


‘’From my own experience I know, that used correctly, the breath can be truly transformative. My goal is therefore to enable you to take responsibility for your own health, to prevent and significantly reduce a number of common ailments, to help you achieve your goals and to offer simple, scientifically-based ways to change your breathing habits for life.’’

Patrick McKeown, Oxygen Advantage